First Name *

    Last Name *

    Email *

    M1/NRDS ID *

    Cell Phone *

    Real Estate Specialty (check all that apply) *
    ResidentialCommercialResortAppraisalInternationalBuyer BrokerageBrokerage ManagementLandTrainer/InstructorOther

    Real Estate Designations earned

    Number of years in the real estate business *

    Have you served on a SCR Committee in the past? *

    If so, please list the committee name(s) and year(s) served *

    Indicate the highest level of education attained *

    Please select all of the following NAR/SCR events that you have attended in the last 2 years. *

    Please select all of the following Fair Housing initiatives that you have completed. *

    Present firm name *

    Position *

    Since (month/year) *

    List your career/occupation(s) prior to real estate

    List your involvement with your local association of REALTORS

    List your involvement with NAR

    List your involvement with other professional real estate associations

    List any community or civic areas of active involvement. Provide the Name of organization, your assignment/position and briefly describe your responsibilities

    Please attached a current headshot picture (Accepted File Types: jpg, png, tiff, gif, jpeg) *

    SCR Committee Sign-Up Members are required to agree to the following Volunteer Service Statement to serve on any SCR Committee, Task Force, or Advisory Group. Please check the box below acknowledging the you understand and adhere to the following statement.

    As a volunteer member of a committee, task force, advisory group or other similar body for the South Carolina Association of REALTORS®, (SCR), assisting in SCR’s mission to enhance the ability of our members to be successful, you have special responsibilities. You also may be exposed to certain confidential information related to SCR. Therefore, it is important that you acknowledge and agree to the following:

    1. You will maintain in confidence and not disclose or cause to be disclosed to anyone, other than SCR, any information designated prior to or during deliberation as confidential by SCR in SCR’s sole discretion. You will keep any materials containing confidential information in a safe and secure place to protect against inadvertent disclosure. You will preserve confidential information indefinitely, even after expiration of your service. Upon expiration of your service, you will promptly return to SCR staff, upon request, any materials containing confidential information that you have been sent or acquired relating to your work for SCR. This does not mean that all committee, task force or advisory group discussions are confidential; only those discussions designated in the manner set forth above are confidential. For example, assume that the Candidate Screening Committee, during its candidate interviews, designates the deliberations as “confidential,” to preserve the integrity of the endorsement process. It would be a violation of this condition for members of the Committee to disclose such deliberations to anyone outside the Committee or except as may be required for the conduct of the Committee’s business.

    2. Any material developed by the committee, task force or advisory group on which you serve will be the property of SCR, and you hereby assign to SCR all right in and to any such material, including copyrights and other proprietary interests. For example, assume that you serve on the SCR Forms Committee, which produces a new or revised SCR standard form. The form is the property of SCR.

    3. You will refer all news media requests seeking interviews with or comment from you as a representative of SCR to the SCR CEO or his designee, who is responsible for providing prompt response to those inquiries. You may not speak to the media on behalf of SCR unless you have secured the prior, express permission of the CEO or his designee. Please note: This does not restrict you from talking to the media in your capacity as an individual REALTOR®.

    Questions? Call Chelsey Faircloth, (803) 560-2210 or email